Mmm… deep dish

Chicago, land of heavy breezes,  a losing baseball team, noteworthy architecture…. and pizza. Our knowledge of the windy city is in depth and comprehensive.

Chicago was our first real stop this time out, and because we’re skinflints, it was only for lunch – not too many places to pitch a tent on the Magnificent Mile. So… we drove through the night sustained by visions of the tasty deep dish awaiting us. We did research, found THE place to go, parked the car much too far away, ran some errands, and met up at Lou Manati’s Pizzeria to find an hour plus (!) wait.

Now before I go on you have to understand that we keep a very tight time-table. We are, after all, unemployed on an aimless road trip with absolutely zero obligations. Not to mention we were parked in an extremely sketchy spot with approximately 15 minutes left on the meter. So this wait just wouldn’t do. We’re resourceful. We’re with it. We figured we could walk back to the car and find something equally authentic on the way. And then it started to rain. Really really hard. But we got lucky, we found it – the best unknown pizza place in all of Chicago. And fortunately it happened to be in the same building under whose awning we were taking shelter from the biblical storm. So here’s to you random sports bar. Your pizza (not shown above) was just marginally better than the stuff they served us in middle school… but your waitress was nice. And we didn’t get a parking ticket.

What a disappointment. Onward.